A cowardice loser who your mom made the mistake of sleeping with after divorcing your equally terrible biological father. Your mom will slowly begin to care about your step-dad more than she cares about you and will completely ignore, or even take his side when he decides to project his own insecurities onto you by relentlessly bullying and trying to make you feel bad about yourself for years. Your entire family will see your step-dad as a good guy and the perfect substitute for your abusive biological father, when little do they know, he causes you the same amount of emotional distress that your biological father used to. Your step-dad will also make you feel like your problems simply don't exist and will call you an attention whore if you even dare to mention or express any type of mental health problems you have in front of him. And the worst part is that you will have to deal with this feeble excuse for a human being until you are old enough and financially stable enough to live on your own.
I hope my mother divorces my step-dad someday
A total fucker that tries to buy ur mother in law for about a year until he becomes a total asshole
Kid 1 : dad can i play on my phone ?
Step dad : no ! Until you clean your room
Kid 1 : i did already actually
Step dad : Then do your homework !
Edgy’s dad decided to leave without saying anything. Disappearing for the foreseeable future
Tristan: Where did Brandon go
Greg: He pulled an Edgy’s Dad
A group a fathers who are prominent figures in the lives of their children who help chaperone their daughters first date to scare her date into being a total gentleman
I have my dad squad here with me to help chaperone my daughter's first date.
- Firmly believing that their own nationality is superior to others, often expressing this conviction in various aspects of life by negatively stereotyping an out-group nationality.
- Perceiving their nationality as more respected and liked compared to other nationalities, forming a biased view of how their group is perceived.
- Assuming that people from out-group nationality desire them, supporting this belief by selectively choosing positive opinions from certain individuals in the out-group.
- Feeling a sense of desirability and assuming that people from other nationalities want to associate with them.
- Denying the possibility that their own nationality is perceived poorly, using statements like "We don't do that," "We are cleaner,", or "We are not terrorists" to distance themselves from out-group associations.
- Experiencing discomfort when associated with people from out-group nationality and attempting to disassociate by expressing disgust, often as a way to compensate for perceived inferiority.
- Engaging in denial when faced with uncomfortable situations, using phrases like "That's not true," or "I have never met/heard," to reject the idea that their own nationality not superior.
- Exhibiting an inferiority complex by subconsciously respecting and positively perceiving a specific group of people (usually white), leading to a desire to be associated with or perceived as equal to them, even if it involves cherry-picking examples to support this perception.
This girl’s got desi dad syndrome.
I’m afraid to invite pakistanis to my house because of my family’s desi dad syndrome.
This india-pakistan cricket watch party will bring out everyone’s desi dad syndrome.
This is the second most hurtful insult in the history of the planet coming first is ur mom gay
I hate you jannet
Ur dad gay lol
Why would u say this to me?