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kick ass and take initials

when you are too busy kickin asss you have to take initials

"I am fixing to kick ass and take initials at the club tonight when i break it down"

by leigh mcgee July 23, 2008

21πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

you take boring poops

An insult meant to insinuate that the recipient is without adequate technological devices to game or stay connected to the internet during a bowel movement

Person 1: "Bah, I bet you take boring poops"

Person 2: "What? My poops be off the hook, I am talking on google chat and listening to Pandora"

by greigh_river February 10, 2010

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

I'll take your word for it

A response when someone tells you to try something and you don't really want to. Can also be used as: I'll take your word for that.

Boy: "You should try these clams. They're really good."
Girl: "I'll take your word for it."

by Sagira May 16, 2010

75πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

take home to the fam piece

opposite of being a slam piece

A well-rounded girl who is well-mannered and wife material. But may be a freak in bed.

"I'm not a slampiece, I'm a take home to the fam piece."

A southern Belle.

by lsugirl2323 November 2, 2011

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

taking my almond for a walk

A Tiktok meme that repetitively says, "taking my almond for a walk" in a British accent.

taking my almond for a walk, taking my almond for a walk, taking my almond for a walk,taking my almond for a walk, taking my almond for a walk, taking my almond for a walk, taking my almond for a walk, taking my almond for a walk

by Google eyeball June 23, 2020

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Stanley Uris takes a bath

Basically the worst chapter in IT....Steven King can be a bitch sometimes

β€˜Stanley Uris takes a bath’ who? We only know happiness and no bathing until after 7:00 pm...

by Sunflowers.shine.too October 27, 2019

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taking the milk out the cupboard

To take the milk out the cupboard, means to perform the act of male masturbation.

Last night, hope was taking the milk out the cupboard.

And got a sticky hand.

by hol&jess<3hope September 21, 2011

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