Fake Weed. Half of the time just grass or paper.
I bought some weed from my usual dealer but the little ass hole sold me smoke feed.
Where someone lights your cig and kinda touches your hand when they do.
That girl in the smoking area just brushed my hand as she lit my cig....I think she was having a smoking flirt with me bro!
The term "Smokin batshit" is a multi-purpose phrase used to describe any action Direction statement comment Etc that is stupid beyond belief. It refers not to the comment itself but to the generator or originator of said comment.
Of course you can always use it directly at the individual. Somebody says something to you or does something that just just jaw droppingly stupid you can say to them"you've been smoking batshit."
I walked into the store and I saw oranges$0.58 each. I stopped walked back to the display expecting to see pounds not each but there it was $0.58 each. I told my friend look at this somebody's been smoking batshit.
An activity has become so frenzied that it has reached a fire like pace and the friction is creating smoke.
Damn. Erik is smoking like a horse today.
Khari is too good at madden so I’m afraid I’m going to be DUCKING SMOKE