A letter written with the intent of seducing a person into sexual intercourse
An expression for when you have absolutely, irrevocably fucked up and hurt yourself severely in the process.
Jimmy said "I do, Amanda." to Jenny during their wedding vows, she kicked him in the balls and stormed out. Jimmy really fucked the toaster on that one.
You are probably here because you spelled "fuck boy" wrong xD
"Fuck boh? You mean fuck boy!"
When you are drunk and text your ex but your phone auto corrects "loser" with "lobster.
What you mean to write :"You are such a fucken loser!"
What your phone auto-corrects it to : "You are such a fuck lobster!"
I FUCKING HATE THIS FUCKING SHIT HOLE FUCKING KILL MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am mentally stable, i promise
An outfit you would take out when you wanna let a person know you wanna fuck
Person 1: What would make a good fuck outfit?
person 2: I don't fucking know.
When your on a roof drinking beer being a dickhead, than you try be Tony Hawk only to fall on ass, while a little fuck gives you the finger, a fire to your right and a fat pig just being a pig in the background.
when Ozzy Man Reviews says your in destination fucked your there