The best couple ever. fake is so loyal and careful for Funneh, He really try's his best to be the best boyfriend for her and so does she. They have been through so much, And lost each other for a while, He went emo and so did she, Until the day she saw him friend him on Roblox again, Everything went back to normal.
"Bro!! Have you see Funneh and Fake? They are such a perfect match!"
Online Video of Revenge porn or rape porn
Rape that was Filmed
You're not supposed to see that fake rape
See vape sometimes just a virus stick
Kid: can I take a shit
Teacher: yeah but why are you taking your USB with you
Kid: ......................... Porn. Definitely not to vape. This dedinetly isn't a fake usb
Teacher: o-k
It mean's that you arent an fan of donny simple as that.
You guys are all **fake donny fans**!!
Fooling or tricking someone; yanking one’s chain
He told me he was a millionaire, but he can’t fake my Jake.
When someone hits and fake and they score.
Cedric pump faked the ball and they flew by and put in and said aye just like a fake n aye.