A tall variety of man with big ears who practices the Charizard on his female of choice. He is incredibly lame and eats his oreos with milks.
Dude I coudn't see over Ryan Nye eating his damn oreos.
The term for a bisexual who sucks baws for a living. Ryan Johnstones can also talk one lot of shit.
Scott - “watch out here comes ryan johnstone fs”
Kieren -“naw man”
Ryan -“suck ma baws”
man in sped ed call
Well known as the person who started breaking the RyanVerse in the Paztep community
Ripoff Ryan Ripoff Ryan where are you?
in the sped ed call
Such a stupid fucking nigger. Ryan Gommo goes to newtown high school and he’s the biggest fuck up. But his balls to be massive
Ryan Gommo has big balls