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crack ho lucy

a character in the video charlie brown kwanzaa

crack ho lucy you'sz a crack ho 'nigga (yes i did say you'sz like some spanish girls write it but thats too fucking bad because thats how they say it so if they have any complaints too fuckin bad go cry home to your papichulo or whatever you call them)

by MYNAMEIST January 23, 2007

28πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Ass Crack Hash

Ass Crack Hash is when a person shits and pisses in a bottle, then places a balloon over the bottles opening. The person then lets that bottle bake in the sun for a day. The following day the take off the balloon and inhale that balloon creating an almost LCD trip. There is a negative effect after doing so the persons breathe will smell like sewer or shit for a span of two weeks. Ass Crack Hash is more popular within Africa. Also known as Jenkin

My bro did that Ass Crack Hash the other week, damn I couldn't get near him from the smell of his breathe.

by Crer187 November 11, 2007

23πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

crack-up artist

An individual who is involved in either:

1)Comedic delivery of wit in front of a small audience.

2)Regularly providing 'one-liners' with the purpose of amusement.

Anthony: Have you seen my keys Tony?

Tony the 'crack-up artist': Yes I sure have, there they are.. Not!

by Gus McLeary April 1, 2008

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Slinging crack juice

The act of illegally selling containers of concocted alcoholic beverages usually consisting of the cheapest vodka that can be purchased and dollar store powdered juice mix at parties, tailgates, picnics, concerts, street corners, parks, bbq's & under viaducts.

Person 1: "Dude is your brother an alcoholic, what's w/ all the empty Popov bottles?"

Person 2: " Nah man he got laid off, I think he's back to slinging crack juice again"

Person 1: "Damn that's kinda sad"

Person 2: "Dude, it's a recession"

by jaserra August 2, 2009

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cracked like an egg

term coined by the variety streamer Punz, used when someone is really good at something, like a video game.

Bro he got 32 kills last game! He's cracked like an egg!

by punzthereynasimp March 30, 2021

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Crack Rock Fresh

Feeling as fresh, or fresher than crack rocks. As fresh as feeling like you have been wrapped in cellophane and kept airtight.

Kelly: I am feeling fresh tonight!
Caci: Yeah girl, crack rock fresh.

by dawnyell April 6, 2011

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Butt crack billy

A weird guy that has a huge butt crack and kidnaps kids making them go inside his buttcrack where he keeps them

Me: lalala
Butt crack billy: get in my butt
Me: please sir I don’t want to go in your butt

by Jonson McNally November 23, 2019

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