Source Code

The David Problem

A situation that arises during software development in which one developers build works perfectly (we call this the David build) whilst all other builds are completely fucked.

Dev 1: "Oh man, why isn't this building!!"
Dev 2: "What do you mean? It's building fine for me and we are running the same version.. ?"
Dev 1: "Why must you constantly create the David Problem..."

by Miss David January 28, 2022

david's confessions

A two person owned youtube channel and podcastewhere two girls go bye the name david talk about anything that comes on their mind like pop culture and social media on there youtube channel they play games like roblox which they are most known for and others like girlsgogames jeprody and others

I am gonna go watch david's confessions

by dog1645 January 17, 2022

david bovgay

Is a very ugly women. A no nipple, hairy bitch. Twiddles with technology all day long.

It's a David bovgay! She must be with tech support.

by Hy-Ching March 18, 2014

Lines of David

The “V” lines between the thigh and the abdomen.

An Inguinal Crease

Follow the Lines of David to the promised land

by BurntPear May 29, 2019

David the chef

David is the hotrail king. He will serve up some mean hotrails you can’t handle

David! Hey guys it’s David the chef, time to make us lunch .

by Ssandy November 18, 2023

David c

This David is the only one he is a rare sight walking into shool eith his balenciaga s and his nandos ready meal

If you look carefully through a nnandos window David will be eating his spicy chicken wings

David c nandos machine

by Jason Fay 1992 November 23, 2019

david long

If you have this name you are probably a gourmet foods teacher at a high school in northern Virginia with a widows peak, 4 o clock aftershave, fairly hairy arms, cargo pants and obsession with younger boys. If this man is your teacher hide your wangs in your pants and make sure not to pop a boner in class or else he might pop a boner in you.

David Long: If you want your phone your gonna have to see me after class young man.

by MonkeyLadie March 30, 2016