When the giggling becomes too intense so u legit roll around cackling
The fan girl euphoria was prominent by the way she was acting
Fine ass cougar lady who don’t mind showing a young buck like C**Y what dat mouth do just cause he’s a good man and really wouldn’t mind her being apart of his experiences cause you know he know you know u wouldn’t mind a little appreciation from someone who just wanna see you smile 💁🥴❤️
Cory sure would really appreciate some franny fan love cause he always has good intentions and wants to see her smile
PDF FILE New fans are the ones who comment under videos not knowing what the fuck is going on. They don’t understand the lore or the fanbase, yet chose to openly steal the lingo and jokes. These are not true fans and they are typically doxxed by the rest of the fanbase.
True fan: “looks like another new fan to me, yall let’s dox”
True fan 2: “god I just hate those PDF File New fans”
"Josh has to be a horse donkey monkey Hitler fan!"
The opposite of Fanum Tax. When you get Fanning taxed you take a extra bite
Luke: Get Fanning Taxed!
Me: *Takes a bite*
1. A person who admires loyals... but adheres to her in CoM..
2. An fanatic of loyal
Greenwood is a loyals fan. But admires her hard work, during CoM week!
A worthless member of society who makes money off of other worthless members of society usually by revealing parts of their bodies that are normally kept private.
That Only Fans model is a whore