Source Code

invisible hand

a hand that is invisible

wanking is now impossible because i have an invisible hand

by potatoboy June 8, 2004

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salmon hand

When ones hand is limp to the wrist, and one flops it around while saying with a lisp or in a partially thick voice "SALMON HAND!!!" Derived from Derek, and can also be found in a handshake, when one's hand is limp.

Ben: Salmon hand!!!!
Thomas: Salmon hand!!!!

by T-Sizzle! January 30, 2006

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Someone who compulsively scales trees when surprised.

Some people are about to be run over, Frankie has about 5 seconds

Some people wear glasses, Beth looks
like a dude

Some people have rigged the enemy base with explosives, Albert has

Some people are being fangouriously devoured by a gelatinous monster, Hillary's legs are being digested

Ahhhh! I am surprised, I had better scale a tree.

by Big Mac January 21, 2005

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hand candy

Female breasts. The feeling of them in your hands is indescribable.

<Brill> Oh my gosh, look at those women! Boy howdy, they are corkers!
<Jazz> Oh god DAMN, you are right! Such fine hinders, and look at them gams! And the hand candy on the one in the blue is driving me krazy!!

by SeanG June 27, 2007

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dead hand

v. to slap someone with a dead-like or loose hand.

When Eric and his friends mess around, they dead hand each other in the chest to hurt them.

by Lexie "Jeffrey" October 11, 2005

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Shoe Hand

When something bazaar or unusual just happened.

Something you weren't expecting.

When you're at a stop sign and a car on a perpendicular road speeds across, and smashes into something like a school bus.


This one time my dad was checking my sisters car parked in the drive way, Until he hears a rustling sound by his car. at first he thinks it is something in the bushes, but when he stares in that direction he notices his spare tire on the back of his car is moving unusually, and then it pops. He says "What the heck?" and he comes inside to tell me the story later that evening, and I thought to myself WOAH Shoe Hand.

by Menalaghalaghalaghalagha November 9, 2010

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Prayer Hands

Two hands placed together as if praying administered in the anus or vagina for a holy experience.

Police: Tell me again how it happened?
Julie: I told him I wanted to wait then he choked me until I blacked out. Mid-way through I woke up and he had his pressed together in my girl parts.
Police: ... you mean prayer hands?

by Pisseidon May 15, 2011

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