Source Code

Common Gurd L

When Gurd makes a decision or an action which is considered an L among his piers. This is a frequently mistake by Gurd, hence the "common".

"Gurd's phone just disappeared again"
"Omg... common Gurd L"

by AbraFar March 20, 2023

LLL (Trip-L)

Referring to one of those “live, laugh, love” people that’s just basic af. The ones that base their personality off of their Starbucks order and how much money they spend at Target. I’m talking the idiots that buy non toxic cleaners that are eco friendly and then don’t recycle the bottles. Every human that has ever said “They’re really nice, but...” followed by a horrible remark about said person.

A LLL (Trip-L) is a person who is obsessed with being as basic as possible in order to conform to society and be liked.


Person 1: Oh yeah, Janice is a total LLL dude.

Person 2: What’s that?

Person 1: A LLL is just a super basic person. She got her boyfriend to buy her a pure-bred German Shepard and they named it “Gunner”. Plus, the first names on her baby-name list are “Braxton” and “Cayleigh”.

by TheDevilsOpinion May 8, 2021


something your cat would type on a keyboard

Cat: "jas'239s'zjicfh'abt98;ujklashd28awbzx*&#@l;"

by Glorp, Destroyer of Worlds May 23, 2024

s k i b i d i t o i l e t

death by skibidi

it means d e a t h from all that refuse to worship s k i b i d i t o i l e t

by SKIBIDIMAN123!!!TOILET November 8, 2023

Brandon L Richards

One bad mother fucker. Bad ass attitude always

I wish I could be a Brandon L Richards!

by One bad ass mother fucker February 21, 2022


Preston's oversized long cock

Guy 1: My ass hurts bro
Guy 2: Why does your ass hurt bro?
Guy 1: I got P O L C all night.

Guy 2: Damn you a lucky man!

by Bulldog receiver February 25, 2022

mad l ad

This is the incorrect spelling of "mad lad".

Joe: he is an absolute "mad l ad"
Jimmy: Did you mean "mad lad"?
Joe: Yes, I did, sorry for my bad spelling, it won't happen again 😔🙏
Jimmy: I forgive you

by March 10, 2022