Sexual attraction to micow and cheese toasties
I walked into my sisters room to find her masturbating to micow with a cheese toastie in her flaps. I said oh my god you are cheese toastie sexual
Money your ex spouse’s current flame owes you for teaching your ex how not to suck in bed.
Eric owes me months of sexual alimony for Elizabeth’s new found talents in bed. Dat bitch a ho!
a sexual identity where you solely are attracted to Eli and no other
damn Eli’s so hot, I think I might be Eli-sexual!
Aka. P.O.S.P.; When an individual will only sleep with people they are romantically involved with
Sharleen will only sleep with someone if they are dating them. They have a partner only sexual preference.
A person who likes both sexes but can only see themselves being in a relationship with one or the other. Therefore only wanting a Sexual relationship with the other.
"Girl i really guys but i identify as Sexual Bisexual"
Someone who is romantically attracted to or involved with a Aiden. aid-sexual
"I have to tell your something. I'm Aid-sexual"