neither first nor second, but third and afterwards
"I'm not about to be her sloppy next!
A Sloppy Joe where you have your friend cum inside the sandwich. This is because just like in New Jersey, you can't pump your own gas.
"Dude my friend hooked me up with a New Jersey Sloppy Joe, and I didn't need any protein supplements today!"
1👍 1👎
When a group of men toast a waffle and then proceed to masturbate. The last man to ejaculate has to eat the waffle
"Hey guys you wanna go get some lunch?"
"No thanks, I had a sloppy waffle for breakfast and I feel a little sick"
When a man puts a tennis racket on a partner's face and comes all over it.
I gave her a huge load for our sloppy waffle last night!
When your finger food gets so sloppy you can’t eat it with your hands anymore.
My cheeseburger bun fell off and now my burger is sloppy fucked.
Sloppy Daniel: Its similar to his cousin Sloppy Joe but is a rather tangy sandwich, consisting of ground hamburger,dill pickle relish,ketchup,mustard,balsamic vinegar and tomato paste. Other forms use Heinz Chili Sauce instead of ketchup. It's true origin is unknown but some say it has always been
Oh boy! I can't wait to try one Thoes town famous Sloppy Daniels! I'll be POOBING hard after this!
Cody: dude, did you eat her ass?
Jordo: yeah, I motorboated it, gave her the ol' sloppy rudder!