When ur scared of getting sick
Karen's social distance to a obnoxious extent
An ideology characterized by the supremacy of medicine, censorship, social democracy, mass surveillance, cancellation, and other forms of suppression.
The belief in state social medicalism is very detrimental to the progress of medical research.
The practice of not emotionally investing oneself in the grand outcome of humanity while approaching society as an amusing spectacle. This attitude was famously espoused by comedian George Carlin.
The preface to Brain Droppings is the best summation of the philosophy of social Carlinism.
A term that is used when a social butterfly has been put into enough situations or trauma to become anti-social. This means they want to be social but feel like they can't or shouldn't for several reasons. Normally you might need to invite them or ask if they want to go somewhere, other than them going themselves.
Person 1: Hey where is Mark, didn't he want to come to the party?
Person 2: Why didn't you invite him, You know he is an anti-social social butterfly.
Person 1: Oh I forgot about that, I will invite him next time.
A misspelled attempt to say socially retarded, first seen in the bio of a tinder user describing the kind of man who should swipe left on their profile.
I'm not into guys that can't hold a decent conversation. So if you're socially restarted. Swipe left.
Social media brats who follow in a group. FratComplaining and ridiculing others.
Not realizing that they are being hypocritical
Post: OMG, I can't believe that Karen did that!
Fbrat: I know, blonde haired white women , who drive minivans are crazy!
Karen: So, its okay for you to stereotype, but if anyone does, there Racist!
Social FbratsPost 3,4,5 etc: Yeah, that Women doesn't know what she's talking about.
We should protest Karens.
: an organized program of socioeconomic reform; specifically: activity on the part of an interested group directed toward some particular institutional change a committee for the prevention of juvenile delinquency through social action
Malala took social action when she couldn't receive an education in the Swat valley