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Ashley" syndrome

to be lazy, and mean to say actually, more often when loaded drunk

ashley offisicer, I was not drinkin' twoonite.

by MIke Lebaum March 11, 2005

38๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Imposter syndrome

Someone who plays WAY too much Among Us and ends up being only the imposter.

Me: Ayo, have you seen the red sus?
Friend: Yes, he is always the imposter.
Me: Yeah, I think he's got the imposter syndrome.

by ThisIsKindaSus March 16, 2021

14๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ashby syndrome

* have a craving, appetite, or great desire for male companion

* preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires;

* preoccupied with falic objects

that chick is has ashby syndrome - she cant stop thinking about cock

by lozzzaaaaaaaa March 9, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Derek Syndrome

A disorder given at birth. Derek Syndrome is a disorder of the genitals that leads to an extremely undersized penis. Symptoms of this disorder may be increased with heavy consumption of alcohol. People with this disorder are likely to turn homosexual. People with this disorder are also likely to be overly aggressive towards because of their childlike penis.

Ashley: That guy Derek I slept with last night was horrible. It was like having sex with a field mouse.

Levi: Yeh I think that he has Derek Syndrome. That's why we call him "Needle dick."

by Jack Meoff Man April 29, 2009

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Asperger's Syndrome

A form of higher functioning autism. Generally, victims or of average to above average intelligence, most notably being both creative and extremely gifted in subjects which require logical thought such as mathematics. While academically Asperger's Syndrome sufferers excel, their development of social skills is limited. Generally, a victim will lack the words to say something, the inclination to say something or the guts to say what they feel, often too nervous or intimidated to enter conversation. In addition, they despise eye contact, dislike being hugged and value their personal space. Some may have seemingly odd habits such as flapping their hands, but not all. Also, narrow and somewhat peculiar hobbies are common. Those with AS tend to have an extremely active or extremely passive lifestyle, lack of self esteem, problems sleeping, generaly use very informal, complex language during conversation and, unlike loners, actually wish to fit in.

Bill Gates has Asperger's Syndrome, and there is believed to be a strong possibility that Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein also had this form of autism.

While trying to be modest, I do have above average intelligence, excelling in logical thinking subjects such as mathematics and philosophy. Whenever I want to say something I never know the way how, just shutting up and listening to the rest of the conversation. I try to avoid eye contact, often viewing it as a sign of impoliteness for me to make eye contact with someone walking by, dislike being hugged and apparently (according to old school reports, not my memory) attacked other children who invaded my space at the age of 5. I do not have any odd habits, but odd hobbies such as breakdancing and drawing anime art. I have an extremely passive lifestyle (in laymen's terms, im a lazy sod), low confidence, sleeping problems, use large polysyllabic words in general conversation and, like an Asperger's Syndrome sufferer, wish to fit in. I probably have Asperger's.

by SuXEed October 13, 2005

262๐Ÿ‘ 446๐Ÿ‘Ž

asperger's syndrome

A condition on the Autism Spectrum Disorder. Symptoms can include lack of flexible thinking, lack of social skills and a lack of empathy.

Oh, please, the only reason people see this as a "fake disorder" is due to a very small percentage in court cases use it to get off the hook. Thusly, we have all these people claiming that more than half of Aspies on the internet are faking it.

People who make fun of Aspies, take a time to think about this: Heather Kuzmich (hot fashion model) and contestant of America's Next Top Model, has Asperger's

Hey, did you see that model with Asperger's Syndrome on ANTM last night?

by JohnMAC January 23, 2010

64๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sutcliffe syndrome

Two heterosexual guys who have a really close friendship so they almost are misstaken to be gay. They share everything in life, limitless, but are not lovers.

Origin: The myth around the friendship between John Lennon and Stuart Sutcliffe before he died at a very young age.

"It was a clear case of Sutcliffe syndrome when John and I met. We acted like lovers, wanted to be by eachothers side all the time."

"I thought I was becoming gay. I was captured by Mike in a really odd way. Since that day we have been partners in crime; soulmates"

by NeoBoy May 14, 2007

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