Yeet becomes yeeted. It means yeeting something that was yeeted by the yeeter not tote.
I yeeted my pillow to my brothers face
I yeeted out of there
A powerful word to use in many different occa
sions. It is oftenly used when you are going to:
#1 Give it your all
#2 Make your coaches proud
#3 Hit your routine
"Boom boom boom! Fearless - YEET"
yeet is a word that describes throwing a useless discombobulated object at 2,000+ throwing force while destroying your lungs by shouting yeet and giving yourself eternal ear pain.
Little timmy "im losing a fortnite match"
big timmy "dont care" as he picks up the playstation
(playstation got thrown to africa)
yeet means yeet if you don’t know what it means go watch more YouTube
I like to yeet my mom across the room with my dick
if something is yeeted that is yoted the it is not yeet is is yeet that yot
but if something is yeet ed that inst youted it is not yeet that yot
yeet just take that in for a second