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The most amazing and loving and handsome and beautiful man to ever walk this planet. He's the best boyfriend you could ever ask for, he is really dense and nerdy and oblivious and kind of a dork but he will be the best person to ever enter your life so don't ever lose him

Sam is fucking hot

by iluvmyboyf September 11, 2022


An uncommon species of dog. Often doesn't show up or is only free when it's convenient for them. Often seeks rest inbetween making sure he is the highlight of anything. Sits on a high perch looking over everyone, often observes how inferior they are.

Person 1: You coming to the pub Sam?
Sam: No, I bowled 20 overs now I need a rest from my full time job. I'll happily dog the boys

by Ann69 January 27, 2021


fat person that loves kids

sam wants to be with kids

by hydrachopp May 9, 2019


Gay. Very gay.

Sam is very gay.

by Sam’s Boyfriend January 13, 2019


Sophie’s crush ❤️💞

Oi there’s Sam Sophie’s man ❤️

by Mymynan February 10, 2019


Any generic emo boy from 2002-2008 with hair that covers one eye that is primarily black. They always wears Misfits, MCR, Blink-182, Sleeping With Sirens, etc. shirts. They also wear ripped jeans and they usually have prescription glasses that they have to wear but they hate doing so. Their shoe of choice is usually Vans or Converse as well and have socks with designs with stripes, skulls, band logos, etc.

Brandon: Look at that guy with his fishnet t-shirt, what a sam...
Warren: Agreed

by The Body of God July 24, 2020


people named sam are annoying little brats that need to get a life. they are always squeeky rats that do everything they can to annoy you so much you want to punch them. sams never wash and you can smell them from a mile away.

eugh can you smell that? there is probably someone called sam around

by eughhhhhhhh March 26, 2023