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An insult. No one knows what it means specially

Omg Abby you’re such a bowl

by Maccnccheese February 24, 2020


when someone do something really mean or inconsiderate, insensitive, or make a person feel really shameful, humiliated and or embarrassing and hurtful.

that was bowl

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ April 27, 2022


An item of clothing.

Person 1: What you wearing?

Person 2: a BOWL

by lunuasmango November 27, 2021


When you make it to the top and can feed your friends or partners cause now you making sure they straight for being there through the struggle.

" If I make a milli with the team I’m passing out bowls.

by Itsjustquise February 16, 2024


A woman's ass

She got a nice bowl.
I would definitely eat that bowl.

by Fancyboss November 20, 2020


The landing target used for gauging sport jumper accuracy in skydiving

Nothing better than a bowl session with your skyfam at the end of the day!

by Whatadelight December 5, 2023


What you eat out of with a spoon or fork while sitting on the couch-but probably what Justin Bieber used to wear on his head.

Dang! Is that a bowl on your head?

by SqizilixYT September 15, 2018