When you stick a bottle of vodka in your bum and drink it through your bum.
I was so wasted at Stacey's party after I did the drunk bum
A total and divine state of utter inebriation,usually obtained after an entire year of alcoholism
"jesus christ,that trip to lake powell really started off my year of heavenly drunkeness....Holy fuckin Drunk!
The feeling I got after watching Skeppy's drunk stream.
"Oh my god I'm getting 2nd hand drunk!"
"Are you watching Skeppy's drunk stream?"
So drunk that one’s hair forms an Afro style due to the chaos of the night outs events
Mate every night out in Ayai Napa I was so Afro drunk
When you’re so drunk you take a nap on the sidewalk and fall on your face
Dude, I was so Oliver drunk last night I was dancing la cucaracha at a Irish pub.
The state of inebriation which all Wrexham natives can reach. It is unmatched.
I got 'Wrexham Drunk' the other night, locked myself out the hotel room starkers, pissed on the carpet and went to reception to steal the spare key
God of the Drunk was one of the reasons the Stubborn forums died