Source Code

mississippi death penalty

the Mississippi death penalty is when you use skim milk as the bong water for a bong. then, after you do that leave it to sun bathe for a week. Afterwards, you find a poor soul and once you somehow convinced them to comply. you make them drink said substance from bong.

alright jimmy!!! time to suffer: drink the Mississippi death penalty

by SoggyBrain April 14, 2021

Blue Screen of Death

When your computer is really messed up, the Blue Screen of Death tells you.

On the BSoD it shows the reason why your computer stopped, generally, you have no idea what it means.

Some BSoD reasons include:

Page_Fault_In_Nonpaged_Area (whatever that means)
Mult_IRP_Complete_Requests (???)
Memory_Management (that sounds bad...)
also some .exe files cause the BSoD

your computer could be ok, or it could be dead, good luck

the default background for windows is blue for a reason, dam blue screen of death

by idon'tknow1111 July 9, 2010

Near death sexperience

A near death experience while having sex, possibly leading to a sex injury.

We wife had a near death sexperience last night, flying ogf of the couch, hurting her leg and almost knocking herself out.

by Orik T. Viking December 8, 2021

Black Screen of Death

Abbreviated as BSoD (not to be confused with the same abbreviation of Windows' Blue Screen of Death), it is the Original Xbox's equivalent to the PlayStation 2's infamous Red Screen of Death (RSoD). It shows a black background with the green "Your Xbox requires service" text and a error code at the upper left side.

Someone who played the OG Xbox: I remember the Black Screen of Death, that it was so traumatic!

by Ryan900USAYT September 30, 2022

death by firing squad

When you are brutally shot to death by a firing squad after being convicted for a crime

Can also happen for other reasons

That guy is getting death by firing squad


by DeathByFiringSquad August 17, 2022

Red Line Of Death

Appears when a PS4 needs some air.

John: ''Dude my ps4 got the red line of death!''
Earl: ''Chill out mate,just put it next to youre granmaa pie,there on the window!''
Granmaa:''Yeah,needs some air...now go wash youre hands,or no pie for you boy!!''

by themetalscrewdriver November 19, 2013

Burrows the Death stalker

Another intellectual species that is silent but deadly. Just like a fart. It doesn't speak or talk, but instead smiles to itself. Once this smile is placed upon you, ultimate death awaits. It's body features are very unrealistic like, but has long arms, long legs and a short torso.

Person 1: "Help, Help!!"
Person 2: "What?! Whats wrong?!"
Person 1: "I SAW A BURROWS the death stalker!"
Person 2 faints...

by Pewpew boom boom November 6, 2017