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Ashland middle school ma

Ams is the most boring school you could go to with all the gay kids and mrs.Arnold mr. strout mr.trusdale Mrs.Herson the school just sucks there are so many gay kids and all the kids that are (popular) are dumb asf and I have never heard of an ashland girl being thicc

Man I feel van they go to Ashland middle school ma

by Nick 🐠 πŸ–•πŸ½πŸ–•πŸ½πŸ–•πŸ½πŸ–•πŸ½πŸ–•πŸ½πŸ–•πŸ½ March 8, 2019

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Valley Elementary/Middle School

The worst school in the world. This is the ghetto! Located in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, this school gives the Hazleton School District a bad name. About 1,100 students go to this dump. About 90% of the students that go there are bad. It does not offer students a good educational experience. It's so bad!

MOM: "So, honey, how was your day at school?"

KID: "Terrible. I can't stand that place anymore. It's such a
bad school."

MOM: "I know, honey. But you're in the sixth grade. You only
got two and a half more years there. Then you're out
of that school and off to high school."

KID: "Thats if I make it to high school. Valley Elementary/Middle
School is so bad that I just wana be a drop out. I can't
handle going to that place anymore."
Valley Elementary/Middle School is horrible. I've had a better and happier experience visiting a poor third-world country than going to that dump!
"You walk into Valley Elementary/Middle School and you are shocked at how bad the kids are. I'm glad I don't go there."

by Anthony Marchello January 17, 2010

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Avondale middle school

A school that is very cool very nice :D

Avondale middle school more like very nice :)

by Michael Phelipsi December 24, 2020

1πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Punta Gorda Middle School

A school with good teachers but BAD, BAD students!Students do ok academically (only because of the wonderful job that the teachers do), but they are very cliquish and nasty to each other. Teachers make this an A school, not the a**hole students. My apologies to the hand full of respectable students at this school; I really do feel sorry for you.

True story: Punta Gorda Middle School students, along with their cheerleader friends at Charlotte High School, used to relgiously vandalize Wikipedia from the school computers with hateful comments and 50,000 "hi"s and hearts where they didn't belong before the school board ended up putting a district-wide block on the site over their abuse.

by A former PGMS kid now @ PCHS November 29, 2009

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Dean rusk middle school

The shittiest school on the planet.
You will find the dumbest people on the planet all contained within this prison.
If you say the word β€œautism” you are locked in solitary confinement for life.
Waters bottles are a criminal offense punished with death, if you are seen with a phone you are shot on sight.

Man: β€œHey have you heard of Dean rusk middle school?”
Man 2: *collapses and dies instantly of heart attack*

by small rapist September 2, 2019

7πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Winslow township middle school

A middle school that only has two grades 7th and 8th seventh is all the pre-mature horny little boys and eighth is all the kids that think they’re cool and vape in the bathroom And both grades the girls are thots

Homeschooled kid: Winslow Township middle school is messed up it’s a bad place

Winslow kid: but at least they don’t have that jungle fever like hammonton all them hoes be preggos smoking grass in the bathroom.

by Hegel_6358 March 28, 2020

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Susan B. Anthony Middle School

The most homophobic, crazy, and mentally deficient school in Minneapolis, mostly White kids acting hood to try and get black cards from their African American friends. Full of short and crazy girls. You can expect three fights a week.
All in all, a shitty, yet fucking amazing school.

β€œWhat school do you go to?”
β€œSusan B. Anthony Middle School”
β€œAwww hell nah, you one of those crazy bitches”

by The 8th grader October 20, 2019