An ugly backstabbing THING wanting to go home and Forget that you exist
I have a Lotta fake friends in school.
a fake friend is that stupid bitch that doesn’t want u to be happy in anyway. That stupid ass bitch doesn’t want to stand up for you and is just craving for popularity
Zia is so mean to me! I would never want to be with a fake friend
That one “friend” who comes in you life just to steal your best friend. That will talk about you behind your back just to tear you and your bestie apart. That say bad things about you to just because they don’t like you.
Person 1 fake friend: hey I heard she sleeps with a stuffed animal
Person 2 best friend: I didn’t need to know that
Those friends that only use you when they need something or when they have nothing else to do.
1) The User
The one that uses you for popularity or more friends or for money. That friend that was so sweet, shy and nice at first then turns into a real bitch after they get into the circle. (STAY AWAY, THERE TIME WILL COME)
2) The Two Faced
That 'FRIEND' that is so nice to your face and then goes running away to talk shit about you when you have done nothing wrong. And when your in a group or around popular peole they completely ignore your existence. (FUCK THEM)
3) The Drifter
The so called 'friends' that only talks to you when they need something or want something, like for money, a ride, or anything in general but completely ignores you when they dont want anything (AT THE MOMENT).
Please guys stay away from these people, everyone will soon realise who they really are and they will be loners and very hated. Be yourself and be kind and a good friend and if you really want to just scream at them and completely expose them because 99.99999% of the time they deserve it and need to hear it. THEY ARE BITCHES AND YOUR BETTER THEN THEM !!!!!!!!!!
The 'friend' that o
"Wow, she`s so rude! She completely ditched me for the popular group! We used to be so close but now she thinks shes better then everyone else. I HATE HER, SHES SUCH A FAKE FRIENDS! "
Fake friends are people who seem like your bestie but behind you they talk bad about you
You: I hate Katlyn, she is such a fake friend
Other Girl: Told you!
A person who acts like your friend at first, but at the next second they turn on you.
Fake friend: I'll be right back ok?
You: Ok.
Fake friend: What a loser, she/he doesn't know that they are being used. She is just a Fake friend.
people who aren’t your real friends and don’t deserve your friendship
“Ugh y’all are such fake friends”