Source Code

International throw short people day

A day on January 24th where you get to throw anyone under 5'4 without permission

Boy 1: Hey it's January 24th
Boy 2: So
Boy 3: International throw short people day
Boy2: -_-

by December 19, 2020

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you can't be racist to white people

a phrase meaning "I am racist to white people"

a person who has just practised acts of affirmative racism 3 minutes ago: β€œyou can't be racist to white people”

by the riverside October 8, 2023

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

white people eat chex cereal

Only white people eat chex cereal.

Ben: chex cereal is better than lucky charms.
Nick: πŸ’€. No it's not. That shit for white people. Only white people eat chex cereal

by Shimmmmu March 14, 2022

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National throw short people day

for middle school you can throw dk because he is 5'4" and anyone 4'5" and below better run

me: hey bro today is october 23
bro:why is that impotant
me: because your short and it's National throw short people day
bro: no pls

by @lexisawolf May 16, 2022

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Piss On Homeless People Day!

April 12th is β€œPiss On Homeless People Day!”

Prank all of your local homeless losers by pissing on them during this wacky day!

1: Yo wanna go piss on some homeless people?

2: Of course, and it’s ok because it’s Piss On Homeless People Day!

by LondonNigger April 12, 2019

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Shut up Mixed people

Mixed People take a day of silence

Shut up mixed people is a day where all mixed people of color not black or white needs to shut up

by Alejandro Magnifico June 5, 2022

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Hot People with BPD club

A club made up of Valentine (me), my bf Shin Tsukimi, Ranmaru Kageyama, and Maple. We all have Borderline Personality Disorder and we are all hot/pretty/cute!!! <3

Valentine: Want to join my club bbg?
Shin: What is it called?
Valentine: Hot People with BPD club
Shin: absolutely.

by Shin Tsukimi’s bf August 18, 2023

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