When a fart lingers in the room way to long and the next person walks through it when no one is around.
Joe: Damn someone floated and air bisquet and now I’m engulfed in a purple cloud.
I bought some purple chewbacca from tyrone. That shit was whack.
Means shot on site if trespassing due to the purple paint being a warning
If y’all don’t stay out I’m gonna paint it purple!!
1.) A strong strain of mostly-sativa cannabis
2.) An effected caused by consuming LSD. When you take LSD you will see a purple fog, which indicates that you are about to trip.
Hippie 1: "Man, do you already see that purple haze?"
Hippie 2: "Yeah, it's like a fog of purple haze. How much times has passed since we took this shit?
Hippie 1: "About 20 minutes"
Hippie 2: "See you in 12 to 600 hours, safe travels man, i think im tripping balls"
At least as old as late 1970s, it meant a male homosexual who's tastelessly over the top or hyper-faggish to an obnoxious potency, way too brassy and overacting the part of how he sees his own sexual personality, or else he's doing it half unawares, because of some unmet inner needs. A person who hangs out ordinarily with his /her close gay friends will not dig being within earshot or line-of-sight of this type of individual. So it's not an anti-gay thing. It's a Taste thing. period. Many other gay men would ask for long-handled wooden spoons to gag with rather than endure a Liberace clone attack.
Purple flamers might behave in a child-like way deliberately, just to piss you off or hijack your attention to them also in a babyish way.
An extremely sugary purple drink made by the character Kevin from the Crabgrass comic series. Unofficially known as lean for kids, the high-fructose drank is so potent that it causes any first-timer to scream "FWEEM!" at the top of their lungs.
Kevin: "Check it out. Seven kinds of soda, two cups of sugar, and a whole pack of Brainies™ candy!"
Miles: "It's so THICK!"
Kevin: "I call it Purple Fweem."
Miles: "That's a weird na- FWEEM!"
A British guy having a huge d*ck
Elizabeth: What's wrong with Jame's pants.
Susan: You don't know, that's an purple alert.