when talking bad about someone or dissing on someone name
Rapper: Lil Key he a snitch, yea I'm going kill him
Lil Key: oh he talking in vain on my name
Make a statement which makes the speaker appear stupid or of limited intelligence.
Stop talking Rio son, the Earth is not flat and it's idiotic to suggest fans should buy their football club.
The act of swapping swear words for similar sounding words. Because of a study that went on for 60 - 70 years showing that if you swear in a lifetime you can die 20 - 30 years younger than the average life span.
Fuck = Fudge
Shit = Shite*
Bitch = Biatch
Motherfucker = MotherTrucker
Ass = Butt/Booty
Arse = Bum
Dick = Penis/Balls/nuts
Prick = Pleb
Retard = n00b
Dafuq = Dafudge
Wanker = Tosser
Masturbate =Fap/Shlick
Piss = Pee
Asshole/Arsehole = A hole
Slut,Whore,Slag,skank,hoe = Chav
Fucktard = Fudgetard
Also you can swap words and letters around such as:
Stupid Cunts = Cupid Stunts
Cunt Muffin = Munt Cuffin
Dick Biscuit = Bick Discuit
Cock Nozzle = Nock Cozzle
Dildo Rider = Rildo Dider
Pussy Jockey = Jussy Pockey
Although the last half is not proven clean talk and could result in premature death.
*not proven clean talk
A long drawn-out conversation with a subject held in lieu of, or in addition to, enforcement action by law enforcement. Kenny Talks are usually had with children aged 5 to 17 and can last over 30 minutes. There is debate as to the effectiveness of Kenny Talks, though they have become a staple in modern law enforcement.
"Dang, 220 is STILL on that call?"
"Yeah, must be giving them a Kenny Talk."
Okay so pretty much it’s like this idea that that words have meaning in different ways and can convey important things and sometimes girls just want to be girls and it’s just a thing. Anyways isn’t it crazy Stacy got fat recently and she is still trying to wear a size 0 oh my gosh let me tell you I am so over my professor and he’s like just such a bitch he keeps telling me to get off my phone and that like really messed up my vibe anyways I saw Emily wearing the same thing that I wore two days ago I feel like she’s kinda obsessed with me but that’s like okay because we used to be friends in like 6th grade but she was totally into Alonso oh my gosh I forgot about him that’s so crazy hahahaha I think I forgot my book bag I’m gonna go get it so I go and get it and here. Congrats, you made it. If you thought that was a snoozer, you now know what girl talk is.
Girl talk, amiright?
When you don't wanna hear someone
Ramsay: Oh Sherlock, is it better if I call you that?
Sherlock: Just talk to my hand
Ramsay: What a fucking idiot
(Hotel Hell Reference)