the new word to replace Never Been Kissed's "rufus," meaning totally cool, amazing, rocking, groovy, or any other synonym there of.
**after having a moment of pure genius via telekinesis during a game of catch phrase, the team wins the game**
"That's donkey!"
or: "your disco barbie costume is totally donkey"
1: an ass 2:Shreks friend 3: An animal we use to carry things
Shrek: Donkey!
Donkey: ooo I don't give a shit
1. The animal that can kick you in the ball really hard
2. The word that your mom uses as a PG word
(When you're in the car and your mum gets mad)
Mom: Fuck you, ya asshole
You: Mom, could you please use some better language. You're in front of a kid.
Mom: Ok, how 'bout I use some better words like: Sex you, you donkey hole. They're all synonyms, ya piece of shit.
You: (leaves the chat)
a stupid yeaster that wants to be friends with shrek, but donkey is to ugly so he can't be one with shrek
urr look it da ugly donkey donker
A eird to describe how absolutely stupid and dum some one is