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the new word to replace Never Been Kissed's "rufus," meaning totally cool, amazing, rocking, groovy, or any other synonym there of.

**after having a moment of pure genius via telekinesis during a game of catch phrase, the team wins the game**
"That's donkey!"
or: "your disco barbie costume is totally donkey"

by gotsoccer? December 24, 2009


Donkey can be a jackass or something retarded

Evan quit being a donkey

by BIG WORM (Alaskan bull worm) April 11, 2020


1: an ass 2:Shreks friend 3: An animal we use to carry things

Shrek: Donkey!

Donkey: ooo I don't give a shit

by Jp Alvarez February 1, 2021


1. The animal that can kick you in the ball really hard
2. The word that your mom uses as a PG word

(When you're in the car and your mum gets mad)
Mom: Fuck you, ya asshole
You: Mom, could you please use some better language. You're in front of a kid.
Mom: Ok, how 'bout I use some better words like: Sex you, you donkey hole. They're all synonyms, ya piece of shit.
You: (leaves the chat)

by IFuckedYOurMOom February 11, 2020


a stupid yeaster that wants to be friends with shrek, but donkey is to ugly so he can't be one with shrek

urr look it da ugly donkey donker

by shrek is our lord and saviour October 3, 2018


A eird to describe how absolutely stupid and dum some one is

Oh boris your such a donkey

by Hahahahaha loser February 23, 2022


a retarded horse

your a donkey bruva

by thomasdatankengine January 12, 2021