Someone who lives in the hills with the Billy's with a redneck with satellite internet.
Dammit dragon you got redneck hillbilly internet, quit complaining you smelly fuck.
The act of purposefully not having any social media/directory/people search accounts so that a search for that person will reveal no results. This renders them untraceable and uncommunicatable by any means other than by personally knowing the person outside of the internet.
So many people have social media accounts nowadays that being internet invisible is now the new cool thing.
when you go on vacation and take your laptop with you, but you try to connect to messenger or chec your email and you can't do it because you find that there's no internet connection in the place you're visiting.
frank: hey jane! i've been sending you a lot of emails but i still haven't gotten an answer! jane: sorry. i had a forced internet vacation problem. when i arrived in my town for vacation, i tried to check my email but i couldn't open it because there wasn't any internet connection there.
Person 1: Hey, do you know any reliable internet services that I can use?
Person 2: N O I N T E R N E T P R O V I D E R I S R E L I A B L E