A retarded excuse to hide the fact that you sucked your cousin off in the shower
I sucked my cousin off in the shower,,, dont worry its not gay i had socks on
Step 1) grab out of drawer
Step 2) pull apart
Step 3) pull in foot
Step 6) fix if needed
Step 7) walk
I put in my sock this morning.
the thing you cum in where your girlfriend/wife isn't home
i love having my sock
Socks! Is yelled intentionally at a attention whore who dates the whole fugly percent of the male species, is a rude ass bitch and has been caught stuffing socks in her bra... Plus she walks around with her sock fulled bra and tries to "stick" her ass and "boobs" out.
"Omg look whos coming!" *pick me attention whore walks towards group*
"Haha this never gets old"
*Whore looks behind her and doesn't understand so she keeps walking towards her 15 boyfriends*
Who the fuck searches socks on this site you dumb fuck.
Katie searched 'socks' on Urbandictionary.com. She is a dumb fuck