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People from Scotland

"Did you hear a bunch of Faggots got shit-faced and trashed the Edinburgh library?"
"Funny. I didn't even know they could read up there."

by msrbigcock June 10, 2021


The name you give your friends in highschool

You're such a f*cking faggot

by fAzE_FrickBoy November 5, 2018


A gay fuck who likes a lot of cock they are very fat and get no bitches

Hey there faggot go suck some dick

by HotGuy123EyesOnMe May 20, 2022


A gay cunt

Ankush is a faggot because he plays League of Legends all day everyday.

by G_Wizard March 22, 2017


a slur towards gay people usually used by kids who think they are all tough and hard for using a slur when in reality they really aren't all that tough and hard , i know this because i am very gay and people in my school uses it as an insult towards me and people who aren't even fucking gay but in reality it just makes me laugh at their idiocy

some dude who thinks hes tough: Oi you fucking faggot

Me: *bursts out laughing*

by Ashton the trans pansexual man June 9, 2022


A good player in an online videogame that gets hated on in a game because they are actually talented and a kid who paid 100+ dollars doesn't like that he paid so much money and is still losing so he calls said player a fag/faggot because he isn't smart enough to come up with an actual insult.

You can't be this good at the game I bet you're just hacking you faggot, I'm reporting you for exploiting.

by Racism As A Whole July 24, 2021


a queer person.

yo that mf kan is a total faggot” “you think so?” “yeah look at how he walks”

by yortri October 16, 2022