The native call of Chode Island. Like a yodel but more chode; Chodel. One must be well versed in the way of the chode to use it
They chodelist let out his mating call… Chode a lay hey who. And just like that Chodey Foster appeared out of thin air.
use when you’re giving something such as a playlist or something you put some thought into to a female who won’t really give you the time of day but you’re still gonna risk looking stupid cause she’s that cool
i made a playlist for the girl who won’t give me kisses
Matter Medical Doctor High Communication Skills Scientific Name Format Conclusion for waste of time and implying enteral answer disregard Conquering The End ex. Humans 5 Paragraph MLA Format Essay
💬IT DOESN'T MATTER that's for sure&that's a facT: WHo KNOws}