Acting crazy or wild; going above and beyond the normal level of effort expected. Similar to going ham or getting lit/crunk. Originally a car racing term.
I’m finna go turbo on his ass.
Did you see Josie go turbo at the bar last night? She got two shots in her and flashed the bartender so she could get up on the bar.
to get mad, to go on a mad one, to get stuck in, to tear it up
Ye heading out tonight, we'll go hatchet on it
Verb. To engage in the act of smoking cannabis.
The term stems from the announcement that cannabis advocates will be distributing 4,200 free joints in the District of Columbia's DuPont Circle neighborhood on January 20, 2017 to peacefully protest the anti-cannabis positions of President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Michael R. Pence, and Attorney General Jefferson B. Sessions.
January 20, 2017 marks the date of the 58th Presidential Inauguration at which Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated 45th President of the United States.
Do you feel like going to DuPont and picking up some Totino Pizza Rolls before we watch President Trump deliver his inaugural address?
To tilt a beverage (usually alcoholic) completely upside in order to finish it
I'll go vertical on this beer so we can head to the next bar
As inspired by Royal Wedding by The Unexpected Items, Chundercats are go is the expression given for when one chunders or voms over a cat.
'Yah, he gave me the ticket and a cat but I was so lashed: I vommed all over the cat ... yah, I was like 'Chundercats are go!'
A saying used when someone does or says something so outrageous that you can only resort to passionately saying HAVE A GO AT IT!
Vic says "my booty is looking smashing this evening."
Jacko "Have a go at it!"