A middle school in northern virginia
Come visit Eagle Ridge Middle School this year.
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the only Middle school in Columbus that have great girls and guys to hang out with
Ridgeview middle School's most awesome students are Katie, Emily, Olivia, Janna, Matthew, and Colby.
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this place is a hell hole where everyone is either back stabbing bitches or fuckboys that end up no where in life and the okay people here are just stupid for staying here and the teachers are dickheads that do nothing for kids
Boy: what school do you go to
girl: robert l bland middle school
boy:*runs away*
Where thots and hoes go to suck dick and teachers always in your business and student are wild disrespectful and strange asf also there’s lots of snakes and mad drama🙄
Jennie F Snapp Middle School is Fake as fuck
Similar to East Grand Rapids High School, 95% of the people are white and rich. With this school is filled with bright minds and smart people, but no one cares and don’t do crap. In this school you will spend three years of your life with an insane amount of depression and be oppressed by the “popular boys”.
Look at those boys with their football hoodies and talking about fingering eachother, they must be from East Grand Rapids Middle School.
Another word for hell/a place of great suffering.
"I hope that criminal ends up in Holley-Navarre Middle School, he certainly deserves it."
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A place full of ghetto people that make their own rules
Fuck chambersburg area middle school I do what the fuck I want
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