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west poppin

What's up
How are you
What's going on

Yo west poppin blood

by Foil Smoking Fool July 17, 2022

Lewis West

Lewis west is the best person I have ever met. He is a good bestfriend and the hottest man on earth. Whoever meats him should give him a kiss and treat him right. He deserves it. I promise!

I love Lewis West<33. By Kai aka Kia aka Jenee LOL

by ilovelewy June 18, 2022

Dan west

Absolute fockin geeza. Beats an oluwa Seun at everything. Including big cock competitions. Everyone wants to shag him including the boys but he’s straight so peak for them.

Oluwa Seun is so cool.

Yh but hav u heard of a dan west he’s better

by Shuttjdjdbdbdjd June 26, 2019


WEST SIDA RIDA is a black nigger that is not from 63rd but is a world famous jigaboo for his amazing cookouts he also won a award for dissapearing in the dark

you look like black nigger boi WEST SIDA RIDA

by BIGBOITYRONE June 4, 2022

West Texas Drawbar

The West Texas Drawbar was a traveling male stripper. He would hop abord random trains, which, at the time, had long pilots and drawbars. His profession earned him the nickname "West Texas Drawbar" among railroad crewmembers.

"I got myself a herpes from that West Texas Drawbar."

by Great Northern 1147 November 5, 2023

West Virginia slushy

A term which refers to the resulting cum from a threesome or one session of intercourse followed immediately by another, during which two people who are either closely or distantly related cum inside the third person.

Billy Bob (to his cousin Jim Bob): Let's go over to Linda Sue's and make a West Virginia slushy.

by Bigg Butts Don't Lie November 19, 2016

west ham syndrome

A syndrome that makes a person continue to support a cause / political party / leader with a blinkered rose-tinted view, based on a false glorious past and nostalgia of imaginary grandeur.

so you cant name a single benefit of brexit and yet all you type is 'leave means leave', this has all the symptoms of west ham syndrome

by 11RYCA11 February 22, 2023