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Fuck Boi

A "fuck boi" is a douch bag usually anywhere from 12 to 22

12 to 15 year old fuck bois- They wear sports attire and talking about having sex with girls even thought they haven't. And they've had multiple 'girlfriends'

If you ever date one throw his ass in the garbage like the condom your hiding from your mother.

Fuck boi: man, I fucking live you bb.

Girl- really?! I love you too.
-has sex and boy never talks to gorl again-

by JoJo.doesnt.care.about.you. December 22, 2018

Fuck boi

Jonathan Abele

Jonathen is a fuck boi

by Bodybagger78 April 10, 2016

Fuck boi

A boy who goes from girl to girl. He plays with your feeling like your just an experiment. When your with him you never know what its gonna be.

Damn look at Connor hes such a fuck boi.

by lovemeinpink1 March 30, 2017

fuck boi

a guy who talks to several girls at a time and makes uncomfortable clams and also makes you feel like crap

hes a fuck boi and ill never talk to him again

by sinermen April 19, 2018

Fuck Boi

A Fuck Boi is someone who commonly shops at Nike, and believe themselves to be ‘Top Shit’. A Fuck Boi is a player of the highest caliber, they are in it for the sex rather than the people. They are certainly more than the common douche bag.

Example of Fuck Boi
Fuck Boi: I’m a gift bestowed on humanity.
Any sane person: Yeah more like a git bestowed on humanity.

Example of how to use Fuck Boi
Girl 1: Kevin such a man whore.
Girl 2: No Steve’s a man whore Kevin is a Fuck Boi.

by An over enthusiastic Turtle June 30, 2018

Fucked the pickle

(Verb) To take an action which requires a dangerously low level of common sense, inability to process logical thought, possibly symptomatic of impaired cognitive ability, stroke, CTE, or bad genetics (e.g. inbreeding).

Wow, Governor Abbott, you really fucked the pickle on that one. (With regards to opening the state before the COVID-19 curve flattened and then demanding that schools open in the Fall while cases continue to rise at an alarming rate)

by pull-mai-fingr July 13, 2020

What The Fuck Is Fold: The First Juvenile Release (Folding); The First Juvenile Release《¤》.


Person 343: What The Fuck Is Fold: The First Juvenile Release (Folding); The First Juvenile Release《¤》.

by Maternal-Fetal-Medicine February 11, 2025