The male version of a rocket. A good looking guy.
“Omg Bethany, did you see Kevin? He’s such an m-rocket”
“Yes! Their whole group is a bunch of m-rockets!”
I cooked some elbow mac; the starch is rinsed off and I’m preparing M&C tonight as our side dish.
Triple M stands for Munch Made Max
Did you know triple M is obsessed with CARTI and wants to eat his dreads!?
1👍 2👎
A blond twink, eyes separated, a fucking narcissist+racist, only dates girls with no boobs or ass, and only pulls girls who don’t have a good type, cuz he actually be ugly asf. He be saying the n word too much and be sending poop pics to his friends. Also he only pulls girls with the initials of K,L,E,A.
“Didn’t you date that blond twink?” “Who? Are you talking about Logan M.?” “Fosho yeah!”
1. The phrase used by elderly men when they want to binge watch all the Sharknado movies out of order and guess how the timeline goes.
2. A man's body hair.
3. The slang term for colorful feces.
4. A burnt Arabian woman or horse.
5. Water balloon(s) filled with feces and Skittles. Typically used by American children.
1. 'Hey Todd, wanna do a salted m&m cupcake?'
2. 'Mom, my salted m&m cupcakes grew!'
3. 'Dude, I just had the steamiest salted m&m cupcakes ever!'
4. 'That poor salted m&m cupcake other there has an ear infection! I'm superised that she still has ears. I mean, they're not even visible on her head!'
5. 'My sons were playing with their salted m&m cupcakes. Boy was it chaotic, messy too!'
A slur for any ginormous fuck that consumes tens of thousands of calories a day. Old Mayan prophecies revealed that these people would become so large that they'll consume the Earth itself, the true end of the world. This information was wiped from history, unfortunately. Their record smallest known meal includes 20 piece Chicken McNuggets, Medium French Fries (the medium makes them feel healthy), an OREO McFlurry, a Blue Raspberry Medium Frozen Fanta, and 13 cookies.
'It's been dark for way too long man, when are these clouds gonna move?'
'Didn't you hear? That's a m*nzad in the sky bruh, we're so fucking cooked...'
the hottest yeonjun stan‼️‼️
Rando: "I am the best yeonjun stan!"
M.4dd: "THAT IS ME"