Fake bean = fake person/ fake fan
If you disagree with someone they may call you “fake bean”
Bean in plural is “Beanz”
-I love strawberries, do you like strawberries?
- No
- Than you are a fake bean✋😔
A fake bean is the same as a fake person/fake fan.
Bean = person
If someone calls you a fake bean it’s because you are disagreeing with the person who called you a fake bean.
If you are writing bean in plural it’s written “Beanz”
- I love strawberries, do you like strawberries?
- No
-Than you’re a fake bean✋😔
Gilbar; A nickname given to resident(s) of the English north eastern housing estate Ingleby Barwick.
A fake gilbar also gilbar-fake ; a person(s) who falsely associates with gilbar culture , often for reasons of personal gain. /A person(s) who poses as a true gilbar when they are only a gilbar on a superficial level/ Derogatory term given to a gilbar who insults gilbar culture .
"I hate Ingleby barwick"
"But you're a gilbar aren't you?"
"You're a fake gilbar!"
When you’re pretending to be something or do something. You know if you’re faking it. If you’re questioning it then it isn’t faking.
Person 1: You arent trans you’re faking it
Person 2: im not...
when a woman achieves a larger breast size by going on birth control; a riff on “big naturals”
ever since katie went on birth control she’s got the fake naturals
A friend who does something to piss his friends off.
Jose Martinez: Hey I’m On my way!
*waiting 20 min*
Jose Martinez: nvm I don’t want to go
Friends: fake fam
Fake mafia means allu arjun The one who maintains fake websites and pr team his favorite animal is fox