“Basically right, club necking is where you’re in a club and you see a fit bird and you say ‘ay, come ere’ (necking sounds)” -my brother Ben
Ollie: Sam whats club necking?
Sam: well my brother said it’s like this, (definition of club necking)
Australian slang meaning to hang oneself.
"i'm full on necking myself after this."
Necking- is when someone tickles you on the neck right below your ears.
Necking- the turning of ones head to see where the joyful sounds of giggling and laughter are coming from.
She's the necking champion, laugher leader of the world!
An alternative form of hugging practiced by long necked xenoes (For instance unidentified blue giraffes) where the hugger wraps his neck around the hugged as seen in "Humans don't Make Good Pets VII", this form of hugging causes
strangulation if attempted by a Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Human)
"Once the blue-giraffe necking session was over, those who had been taking cover in the engine room began looking for survivors throughout the ship."
The act of rubbing two necks together vigorously causing physical pain to your partner.
“‘Hey what happened to you neck, Hannah.’ ‘Oh, Jonny and I were necking last night!’”
stabbed neck means to be stabbed in the neck by a sharp object like a knife or a sharp razor
Somebody who is so annoying that you need to revert to bad insults.