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A person that dislikes a furry for reasons they find/someone who wishes for the takedown of the "furry fandom".

he became an anti-furry because he was a victim to pedophilia in the shape of the furry fandom

by RedOfSeptember January 10, 2024

Anti Furry

Anti furries are people who choose to be against furries, and the furry fandom as a whole. They can either dislike the zoophilia, or they think furries are cringe. (They are.)

Furry:does something cringe
Anti furry: loads ak-47 think again, beast.

by Antifurry.562.304.342 November 24, 2023


Literal fat or scrawny elementary school to middle school aged edgelord kids or grown ass manbaby neckbeards who haven’t showered since 2010 who have the characteristics of a Gravy SEAL mixed in with internet edgelord who simps for the military and authoritarian governments (commonly the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany) as well as they play Roblox, Fortnite (to some extent), Minecraft, etc. And also they get angry when they see someone dressed up as an anthropomorphic creature since they clam that furries are cringe and are creeps despite the fact that it’s a minority in the furry fandom but deny it and always throws a tantrum or get angry about it. But also the main characteristics is that they use Nerf, Gel ball, water, or Airsoft/BB guns while watching dudes like Sneako, Andrew Tate, Hamza, slop commentary channels, Jordan Peterson, or random YouTube Shorts creators that support their worldview.

Hank: oh hey did you like my new furry mask I made?
Aiden: yeah it looks great
Random fat kid who’s an antifurry: YOU MUST DIE YOU FURRY SCUM!
Hank: stfu you fat kid and go do your homework before I get your parents to whip you with the belt.
Aiden: what an Anti-Furry cunt that kid is.

by The cheek freak from Mars August 18, 2024

Anti Furry

An anti furry is someone who discriminates furries for whatever reason (mostly they do it for no reason and just like to harass furries)

They can't stop talking about Fascism, Hitler, Flamethrowers, Normandy, Guns, and Cruise Missiles
They're about as annoying as a younger sibling
and they're about 6-12 years old.
On rare occassions, there are some actual good anti furries, ones that actually don't discriminate.

Besides that, the Anti Furry Community is just mostly filled with 6-12 year olds who think that it's "sigma" to be Transphobic, Racist, Homophobic, etc.

Gary: "Hey Joe, did you know that Phil's an Anti Furry?"
Joe: "I swear to God if he done attack people just because they have a hobby..."

by I'm_a_furry September 21, 2023

4👍 4👎


A not-based beta that hates on innocent people who are just pursuing a hobby. They tend to focus on the small, but terrible side of the fandom, and they claim that all furries are zoo/pedophiles, when over 60% (this value was rounded to the nearest 10th.) of the fandom are minors/had their first encounters with the furry fandom as a minor. Hell, I’m a minor.

Anti-furry: I can’t do simple google searches and find out that most of the fandom is minors so I’ll just continue to bully a bunch of kids for liking cartoons with walking dogs/cats in them :)

by LiquuidRen August 2, 2023

6👍 1👎

Anti furry

A bunch of children who gather up and act like soliders (or nazis) while having cringey fantasies about killing furries

They spend way too much time invested in others people's hobbies because their own lives are boring and sad
They try to act tough by spamming shitty memes and harassing random people online, in their demented heads they think they're saying the world from a great evil by saying "Me kill furry, me am so cool and sigma" online

They are very hypocritical, getting mad if you make stereotypes about anti furrys being terminally online little kids or nazis but then they'll proceed to make stereotypes about all furries being dog rapers

No one knows what motivates these terminally online kids into wasting their time harassing people, acting like they're gonna just magically make all furries stop existing, but there's one thing we know: it's sad to watch them spend their time having wet dreams on reddit about killing furries instead of doing anything else and enjoying they're life

If you're here to give my definition a thumbs down, it just proves I'm right and you're butthurt that I called you out >:3

"I totally owned that random furry that I harassed online, aren't I such a based sigma gigachad anti furry insert the rock face emoji spammed here like 10 times" -little timmy, age 14

by WatermelonsInMyRoaches July 9, 2024


stupid 11 year old kid who thinks theyre cool

HOlY moly loOK aT me im so cOoL i hatE fURrIES anD haRAsS tHEM oH looK iM sO coOL im aN aNtI-fURRy loOK aT mE iM dESPERATE foR aTtEnTION

by EpicNoobx November 13, 2023