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African rain dance

The act of inserting a womans hard nipple into a mans pee hole, then the man urinates, making the urine "rain" on her.

My old lady wanted to shower last night, but I talked her into an African rain dance instead.

by Mintberrycrunch91 April 4, 2011

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lowcountry bang dance

-Background: A well-kept secret of the southeastern portion of South Carolina for many years. The lowcountry bang dance originated back in the late 80s and early 90s when all females had enormous bangs that were at least 6 inches in length, but were curled up to resemble a huge tidal wave of hair crashing down on the eyebrows. However, the bangs seem to be making a comeback, so the bang dance could be brought back to prominence.
-The act: A guy gets on all fours and tells a girl to lick his balls from behind. Then, when her forehead is about an inch away from his butthole, he rips a huge fart. The blast of hot air hits her right in the face, making the bangs on her forehead go crazy, or dance.
*Note- Don't get too trigger happy or she could end up with a liquid variation of a hot lunch to the face. Not good.
*Could also be a lowcountry perm dance if you find a really redneck girl that still rocks the perm.

Brandy thought we were getting kinky, but it was just to lure her in for a lowcountry bang dance.

That fart was about 200 degrees when it came out of my ass. I think I left a burn mark on her forehead from the lowcountry bang dance I gave her.

I started laughing in anticipation for a lowcountry bang dance and slipped out a fart before she even got close to my balls.

by BerkeyandFatty4life February 27, 2007

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Interpretive Pocket Dancing

The act of Being a stoner with a coat on. Noticing that you can make your pockets move while your hands are in them. Being known as one Kiara Jordon.
Act of being a rehab cab student.

Kiara tried to Interpretive Pocket Dance, but it came out looking like a seizure.

by Tom n Pat June 21, 2004

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Hard Dancing

Getting fucked in the ass by multiple partners whilst listening to music.

Dude look at jenny hard dancing with jerry!!

by TheReapiset October 31, 2010

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Bogus Mooncricket Dance

When a bald finance manager finds a person of ethnic origin with a 400 beacon score and proceeds to dance around them in a circle while half naked.

Gary does the best bogus mooncricket dance I have ever seen!!

by Gary W. Smith November 15, 2007

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weasel war dance

A "dance" performed by weasels and ferrets when they get extremely excited or threatened. They tend to jump around while making a strange barking noise. Most animals that do the weasel war dance get very clumsy and will run into things.
Coined by the comic strip Dilbert.

Person A: What's your ferret doing?
Person B: Oh, she's doing the weasel war dance.

by Jaquelyn Hyde June 29, 2009

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Larry's Happy Dance

Where you tie a yellow box to a ceiling fan upside down and stand with your hands behind your head and everytime she spins around you thrust your hips.

Donnie tied the hooker to the fan and utilized Larry's Happy Dance

by Tyler JW May 23, 2007

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