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Waverly High School

A terrible school where everybody fights, steals, and fucks everyone, everyday. It is located in the outskirts of Lansing, MI, in its own district because Lansing didn't want it in the city. The most ratchet school in the city, but not the most ghetto. Jeff Smoker and Mushin Muhammed also attended the school. Surprising huh?

John: Why was that nigga smokin in the bafroom?
Me: I don't even know bro it's Waverly High School

by The Realest Nigga Doing It September 7, 2012

24πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

fdr high school

High schoool in Hyde park new york. filled with expelled kids from poughkeepsie. hyde park is a ghettto little town as well. also known for having terrible sports coaches and the qb who spike it on 4th & 1. lotta coke and heroin a go threw here. Tons of pranks, stinkbombs cows foxes jumping out windows, you name it Fdr got it. also known for the kid who sliced his nutsack off and ran around and the principle who stabbed himself. BUT THE BEST THING? Charles "big chuck" rohn went here for his firts 21 years of schooling. apparentely hes playing D1 ball for UNC but hes probabley drinking a 40 playing regina coeli cyo hs basketball

yo you go to fdr high school?

fuck yea nigga we run shit up here.

shit you got anything for me?

i got a .22 3 e pills and a 40 bag of cali kush. shits fire hardest shit around

by hudson valley schools May 16, 2011

96πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

McNary High School

The only high school in the lame town of Keizer. It's filled with stuck ignorant people who love to be in clicks. Most of the kids who go there are stupid, literally. Like they can't even pass the state tests. The girls there like to act as if they are from the Hills. They also all look the same. Honestly, when they walk in a big group no one can tell them apart, with their fake tans, bleached hair, True Religion Jeans, Ugg boots, and Coach bags. The school also sucks at sports, although everyone likes to think they are fantastic. The scene group of kids look like they just walked out of Hot Topic. The schools only claim to fame is one alumni who shot people at The Zone in Portland.
And the principal is a douche with a glass eye, go celts.

Conversation in the halls of McNary High School

jock: Hey stupid emo!
emo: shut up you fag!
cheerleader: why are you talking to us. this is an A conversation, B your way out of it!
normal person: *ugh, this school sucks ass.*

by Pastalover4ever April 11, 2009

52πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Episcopal High School

Houston, Texas. The high school where all of the rich druggies, the rich stupid people (usually the same people as the rich druggies in the case of EHS as it turns out), and the ridiculously good (possibly juicing) people at sports go

I am a rich stupid druggie and go to Episcopal High School
I am good at sports, so i go to EHS

by octopusconsumer April 13, 2008

214πŸ‘ 198πŸ‘Ž

grandview high school

Easily the dankest school in metro Denver.
Comprised of exceptionally wealthy suburban white kids, but to a lesser degree than its pretentious neighbor cherry creek high school.

Academically, GHS offers a multitude of advanced classes ranging from AP Physics C to AP Comparative Government to Hon. Calculus 3/Diff Eq.

Athletically, performance varies from year to year but the cheers and poms programs remain consistently strong.

Socially, there's enough money floating around to support bitchin parties with promiscuous dancing and rampant drug use.

so yea man i went to grandview high school. I dont remember sophomore year at all but i still got a 5 on the human geo AP test LOL.

by maxwelliott March 11, 2007

42πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Boulder High School

The incredibly intelligent Boulder stoners who are super hot whilst crushing Fairview at soccer and poms. The only actually nice high schoolers in Boulder who aren’t fake ass bitches who live off their daddies money. Rivalry to uncultured whiteass Fairview that’s addicted to cocaine cuz it’s white.

Anyone from Boulder High School is chill

by Cbhoiunlgdcehrohnigh February 4, 2018

19πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Greenbrier High School

A small school in rural northern Tennessee that is severly obsessed with social class and segregation. Greenbrier has a 98.4% white population and a 2.6% population of any other race. This "other" race mostly consists of hispanic origin. The graduation rate is about 70%.

Greenbrier High School's football team is so terrible, the school remodeled the football stadium in hopes to change the loosing record; it didn't work.

by EltonJohn29 March 16, 2009

55πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž