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What were they thinking?

A phrase popularised by the Angry Video Game Nerd. Often used in reviews to point out a really shitty feature/scene/piece of shit.

Can also be used to show one's dissatisfaction with something.

Mike: There are aliens in the fourth Indiana Jones.
Jim: What were they thinking?!

by Nitemarish September 6, 2009

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What The Fuc- BOOM

When a person begins to say " What The Fuck" or WTF, but is cut of by an explosion. This phrase is becoming popular on video sites such as YouTube

Man 1: Dude, cut the red wire!

Man 2: B-B-But Im color blind!

Man 1: What The Fuc- BOOM!

by Alpha-Julian February 10, 2010

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What i need


Me: definition of what i need
My friend: Lol
Me: Lol

(It’s help, help is what i need!

by Plzhelp December 17, 2018

What in The Nine Hells?

As stated previously by Aidan Williamson:
An expression of great confusion, or bewilderment; A strong demand for answers; An emphasized version of "what is that?"
Used in the same way as "What the Hell?" is used. Variations can be used, e.g. "What in The Nine Hells is that thing?"

However, the origin is not, as he said, Forgotten Realms; it is an allusion made to Dante's Infreno, from the Divine Comedy. In the Divine Comedy, Hell is divided into nine circles, each one representing a different sin or crime.
The nine circles span from Limbo (for those who have committed no great sins, but are not admitted into Heaven because they do not believe in God), to the ninth circle where Satan himself resides (a circle reserved for people who have been treasonous against friends, family, and their nation.)

Hey, look at this!"
"WITNH" OR "What in the Nine Hells?"

*Large creature appears*
"What In The Nine Hells is that thing?" OR "WITNH?"

by Viskowskii March 26, 2008

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what i got

The Best Song By Sublime Hands Down
Makes You Think About Life Whenever You Hear It.
This song is about having a lousy life, but focusing on the good things - what you have, not what you don't.

I don't cry when my dog runs away
I don't get angry at the bills I have to pay
I don't get angry when my Mom smokes pot
Hits the bottle and goes back to the rock
Fuckin' and fightin' it's all the same
Livin' with louie dog's the only way to stay sane
Let the lovin', let the lovin' come back to me

I Played "What I Got" 143 times on iTunes

by Anthony Hompkins August 18, 2006

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What the Frazier fuck

When a large amount of fuckery occurs involving a convention show runner and you are at a loss for words

James owes everyone how much money?! What the Frazier fuck!

by BeckInPdx October 25, 2019

what in the actual fuck

First coined by Danish writer SΓΈren Kierkegaard, a technical philosophical phrase, employed primarily in metaphysical and existentialist discourses, to draw a sharp distinction between actual fucks and merely potential fucks.

Person online: I would like to express an opinion on which reasonable minds may differ.
SK: what in the ACTUAL fuck
Twitter: omg all the rts

by urbanexistentialist February 7, 2015

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