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what is a good name for a dumb, trifling ass, nickel trickin, who thinks she slick, home wrecking, dope whore

what is a good name for a dumb, trifling ass, nickel trickin, who thinks she slick, home wrecking, dope whore

what is a good name for a dumb, trifling ass, nickel trickin, who thinks she slick, home wrecking, dope whore

by MercedezLaighn September 4, 2023

not sure who you like

If your like me and you never had a boyfriend\girlfriend and liked so my boys\girls then you have come to the right person.So its coming to the end of the school year and you have like a lot of boys\girls and not sure who you like because you end up likeing one of them and think you like another.

"Ohh there goes Chase."

"Do I still like Max I'm kinda getting jealous seeing him talk to Katie"
Friend: "I'm not sure who you like"

by Jane More May 6, 2016

Who got the herbs when I’m dry

Who got the herbs when I’m dry means who has the weed when I don’t it’s from a reggae song but it’s fun to say to your friends

Yo nick who got the herbs when I’m dry? Nick: yeee

by Nickatnite40 November 17, 2020


It refers to a situation when nothing is absolute or certain yet, when things are still in the process and one cannot guarantee what the result would be like.

"I am not sure what is going to happen. It's still a who-who situation."

"I have not made my mind about this yet. It's still a who-who situation for me."

"They might be in a who-who situation, let's give them some more time to think."

"You are still in a dilemma? Wow you are such a who-who"

by Anxiousgirl January 28, 2023

Who lives longer juri or refan

REFAN DUHH shorter people live longer.

rip juri
“You’ll never be forgotten juri”

Who lives longer juri or refan

by Who lives longer July 29, 2023

The person who is looking at this


You are the person who is looking at this

by Princess Karen September 11, 2021

Who is the biggest vibe in nyc?

Who is the biggest vibe in nyc? Obvi it is Erica Barstein. It’s hard having this responsibility, but she carry’s it like a champ. Camille Opp thinks it’s her, but unfortunately it isn’t.

Bro, tonight let’s sent it. It’s going to be a vibeeeee! Wait dude, is the bigggest vibe Camille Opp? No it’s Erica Barstein.

who is the biggest vibe in nyc?

by bladelilyb December 11, 2021