Source Code

jesus f christ

short for saying "jesus fucking christ"

Your dog just took a shit on my rug! jesus fucking christ!

by Brian March 1, 2005

58๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jesus christ on a bike

an exclamition of complete surprise, can be used instead OMG or some other thing you say when your surprised

Random: Yes i got an A, fuck yeah!

Random 2: Jesus Christ on a bike i got a D+

Random: Stupid gimp

by ph1LL September 19, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

since Jesus was a cowboy

Something that hasn't happened for a long time. Literally, before Jesus got a big promotion to supervision and quit working on the tools.

The Toronto Make Believes haven't won the Stanley Cup since Jesus was a cowboy.

by Telmea Story May 11, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vin Diesel Jesus

A slightly parodic side character in a comic called Cordeval by Amelie Belcher, self-proclaimed "professional" art school drop out.

His first appearance in the comic, to my knowledge, was in "Jeeesssuuusss", where she complains about her experience with what seems like an overly Christian/Catholic community, thus creating the slight parody of Vin Diesel Jesus.

Creator Amelie usually brings VDJ around for a reappearance when she's ether making a joke on Christianity or something that happens to be just plain ludacris.

Amelie states several times in her comics that VDJ is for parady and humor purposes, and she doesn't mean for him to offend anyone. At the same time, she even takes those opportunities to make more jokes about the uproar and chaos that is due to VDJ, and she basically outright says how she doesn't care about the hate-mail she gets because of him.

Comics and appearances by VDJ can be found throughout Cordeval's Archives and it's many subcategories. As of yet, I haven't figured out how to check up on old 'weekly comics' so I'm not entirely sure if Amelie continues daily use of VDJ.

Amelie - 'So, from now on in my head the part of Jesus will be played by Vin Diesel. IE, Vin Diesel Jesus.'
Little Girl - "Jesus loves you~!"
Amelie - "Sweet..."

by dk love j00 May 16, 2007

24๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

tastes like jesus

Used to describe something that instills a sense of euphoria to anybody who eats, drinks, or otherwise has the opportunity to taste it. See also free.

Holy gods! These cookies taste just like the savior, I swear!

by RoboSpy March 24, 2004

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jesus was a nigger, too

A phrase used to highlight the ignorance, foolishness, or outrageousness of another's speech or actions. This invective is designed to ridicule and confuse the target by simultaneously likening him to both positive and negative role-models. It may prove particularly effective when used upon ignorant Americans, who may be unaware that the celebrated Renaissance-era images of Yeshua ben-Yosef (Jesus's birth name) were actually portraits of people the painters knew in their real lives (e.g. - relatives and friends), and which images were not based in any way upon descriptions of Jesus's appearance found in The Bible. The fact that Biblical accounts generally describe Jesus as dark-skinned, with hair the texture of wool, heightens the sardonic effect.

If someone cuts you off in traffic, pull-up alongside them at the next stop light and yell, "That's OK, Jesus was a nigger, too."

If someone says something patently ridiculous at a cocktail party, smile sweetly and say, "Did you know that Jesus was a nigger, too?"

by Charles Chin Tao Horton August 2, 2006

91๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

Holy Jesus on a Stick

Used to represent extreme exitement or suprise.

See Screaming Jesus On A Ferris Wheel

Easy term to explain the crucifiction of the son of God.

"Screaming Jesus on a Stick!!"

by Tompson Versetti May 25, 2004

52๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž