This is Scottish slang for “stop lying” you can use this when someone says something you don’t believe.
When someone “smokes the corn” they are lying.
“Stop smoking the corn, Jerome. We all know you didn’t bone anna.”
Standing by a fire where the smoke blows in your direction and your eyes sting. And the smell of your clothes the next morning!
I was sitting by a fire and got smoke stroke
when someone he/she is so chill you have to tell him/her
"You need to smoke weed"
"Bro why you are not talking"
"You need to smoke weed"
Everyone goes through bullshit daily, best thing to do is roll up a fat J/Grab a fat Slob and smoke it off.
a way to forget the bullshit.
Steve: hey bro im having a bad day today, i dont have smoke
John: dont trip i have some dabss, lets smoke it off
When you take a massive hit of weed, give a menstruating woman oral pleasure and then exhale.
What’s that on your face?
I smoked a shit ton last night and gave that girl the smoking clown
When you take a vape pull and get a shift of a young one and blow the smoke into her mouth
jaysus dya see johnny and yer wan getting a smoked steak over there
A sandwich that "1337 5p43k3rz" eat. Lol. For "pr0 g4m3r0x0rz" only.
ZOMG I PWN3D THIS n00b th3n I w3n7 2 937 a w311 1337 smukk3d m33t s4n!3 LOL!!!!11!ONE!111!!! BOOM! HEADSh0t! T3h 1337 s4n!
In english:
Oh my god I beat this new player at a game then I went to get a very elite smoked meat sandwich. Haha. Bang I shot you in the head.