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guy fawkes

a synomnym for random pyromaniacs who enjoy setting off fireworks in built-up residential areas, who care note for the danger nor social cost and indeed find the the act of setting off fireworks fucking hilarious!

Hey, guy, set off "the most joyful" and run like a bastard.

by ba May 12, 2003

32๐Ÿ‘ 155๐Ÿ‘Ž

French Guy

French guys are so ugly, americans gurls think they so hot , hum i live in Paris, and i can say theeey are so so so ugly . The best are american guys โ™ฅ

a gurl : Taka look at him
her homie : Oh goosh ! who's that French guy ?
a gurl : a ugly French guy

by Chattanael November 16, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rat Guy

The supreme 1337n355

Hey, you r t3h Rat Guy!

by Rat Guy October 14, 2003

4๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

fruity guy

Awais Adam Gavar

โ€œFruity guy man
โ€œFuck off๐Ÿ˜‚โ€

by M99JFM July 30, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

family guy

A great cartoon uncancelled by FOX. The family consists of Peter Griffin, a loveable oaf, Lois Griffin, a milf, Chris Griffin, a slow, dumb, fat, misunderstood teenage boy struggling to make it in a real man's world, Meg Griffin, who doesn't deserve a definition, and Stewie Griffin, a young toddler with a football-shaped head who used to be bent on world domination and matricide but is now, shall we say, "exploring his options". This show is hilarious, and there are at least 2 or 3 moments in each episode that will make you laugh harder than ever before, each upstaging the last. Better than The Simpsons even, at least the more recent episodes. Brought back in May 2005 after being cancelled in February 2002 due to low ratings, since nobody knew when it was on. If you have never watched it, check it out. Especially the episodes "Wasted Talent", "E Peterbus Unum", and the more recent "Blinded Ambition".

Anybody who doesn't watch Family Guy is gay. There, I said it.

by Adam Fowler May 31, 2005

16๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

tourettes guy

A middle-aged man with a sick, sexual fetish for pretending to have tourettes. He has staged his own death as to not put anymore shame on himself or his parents.

He is known for saying Bob Saget as a cussword, and calling a political figure Colonel Clusterfuck.

"Did you see the tourettes guy on Youtube, the world's greatest social flaw?"
"Yeah, yeah I did. He was all like 'BOB SAGET' and I laughed.
"Good story, mate."

by 1mm0rt1fy August 14, 2007

76๐Ÿ‘ 443๐Ÿ‘Ž

Car Guy

A faggot with an incomrehensible obsession with automobiles whom also takes pride in his jacked up little car to the point where all of his conversations include (but are not limited to) at least 5 brags.

Car guys usually have small dicks (varying from 1 inch to a maximum of 3) and hit on girls with their out-of-place and highly inflated ego.

More often than not, car guys are typically utter douchebags who probably range along the neo-nazi to even neo-liberal political scale but it varies.

Car guys think they know everything about automobiles, so much so, they often times forget to suck their own chode once in a while.

J: My dad died yesterday.
Car Guy: woah man thats crazy but my car battery died yesterday and i was so pissed off because I just bought that shit!

J: *under breath* f u c k i n g c a r g u y.

by Woahthereisatrashcan February 23, 2017

55๐Ÿ‘ 307๐Ÿ‘Ž