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orange juice

hajime hinata

I am not izuru kamakura!!!!! I am orange juice dude

by KOMAEDAA April 26, 2021

Poppy Juice

Only a high level toxic drink

One poppy flower

A piece of poppy’s poop
And lions poop

Poppy Juice has only killed 829,917,712 people

by Hi peps December 23, 2019

Lemon Juice

It's a saying for a Alcoholic drink. You see Lemon Juice Is bitter and strong right? well so is Alcohol.

"This Lemon Juice is to strong, But I love it."

by MegaJared March 8, 2017

Wallet juice

Money, dosh, wonga etc.

Man: "Dude I was totally out of it last night; and my Wallet Juice is running like so low now"

by Leech1443 November 15, 2010

vsco juice

any liquid that happens to be in a hydro flask

friend: can i have some water?
vsco girl: sorry i only have vsco juice

*holds hydroflask*

by kanikicharlita September 14, 2019

pant juice

1. The residue left behind by an unsatisfied erection
2. The stains left by a handjob
3. The semen produced by a guy who jizzes in his pants

Lindsey likes to sniff guys when they walk by for the aroma of pant juice.

by poonzilla234 August 22, 2009

juice pusher

Wine salesperson- (distributor, retail, or restaurant)

"Leon is quite the 'juice pusher', I bought every rockin' Rhone in his bag today."

by Juice Pusher February 2, 2018