The opposite of a 1st person shooter. To play a 1PS, you have to have good aim and skill that is unbeatable, however a 3PS is someone who’s absolutely dog shit and can’t match their competitors unless it was a challenge of being dog shit.
Someone: Hey, did you hear Drake’s song? 1st person shooter, I mean.
Someone based: Yeah, but that nigga is a 3rd person shooter. He sucks!
14 percent of likely voters think that the phrase "has a strong personal moral character" describes Anthony Weiner at least a good amount.
"Look at that dude, I bet he has strong 'personal moral character' if you know what i mean"
When there is a little person in the back of your head that keeps making you worry about things. This is not meant to be some sort of mental condition and is instead a concept. A way of personifying your anxieties into a sort of anxiety demon. This is incredibly useful as it allows you to tell said personified anxieties, to fuck off. The acronym of this is LPITBOYHS which fits perfectly as we want all of our anxiety demons to go into a pit, from which they will never return.
I use Little-Person-In-The-Back-Of-Your-Head-Syndrome. My anxiety demon is named Kevin and I fucking hate him.
A person who is more profound to enjoying Dos instead of Sod. Usually disliked by worshippers of Sadim and Peginis (The Sod Gods) They also usually worship Midas 9The most hated person in the sod universe) Midas is the Dos god.
Look at that fucking dos person over there.
Person ∞ is a person that cannot exist in a world where everyone gets a number in the order they appear. But yet they do. They scare me.
Person 1: I wonder whats the highest we can go. Is there a person ∞?
Person 2: Idk, how could there be infinite people?
Person 1: Actually, where's person 0? Haven't seen them either
person 1: hows it going
person 100000000000000000000000000: decent, but i wonder where person ∞ is
person ∞: hello, you have searched for me, now, its time to kill person 0 who will kill us all