Source Code

Cheesy Poop

A very yellow, creamy ,liquidy type of poo which often happens after eating lots of bean burgers.

Oh my god, a cheesy poop!

by Robert Lamb November 20, 2006

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Poop Mouth

ugly n.The term used when someone has decaying teeth.

They called me poop mouth. They said I had a river of poop in my mouth.

by Chloe April 22, 2005

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Poop Pop

Poop on a sucker (lollipop) stick;

Poop Sucker
Referring to someone who's breath smells horrible; bad breath

Man, his breath smelled like he's been sucking on a poop pop!

Dang! Your breath smells like you've been licking a poop pop!

by RoseECheeks March 17, 2017

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Poop Purse

slang for a chick's ass

she dumped out her poop purse on the glass coffee table I was laying under

by Rod Fury May 11, 2006

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Idiot poop

What edgy 4 year olds say when they wanna call you a bad word but their parents don't let them.

Me: Yo look at this kids sketchers
Kid: Shut up you idiot poop!
Me: Ya'll can't cuss?

by November 30, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

kinds of poop

snakes-the kind of poop that dangles from your butt and is as long as a 1 foot long sub at subway.
easels-when u work so hard on ur poop but u end up with a little portion about as big as my great aunt gretchens mole.
italian sausage-when u go to an italian restuarant and u have a big sausage then u use the bathroom and the poop is mixed wit the sausie sausage.
i love lucy-when u go to the beach and u have to go realy bad so u do it in back of a rock.usauly it ends up bieng black and white or rotten.
sausie poop-when u go to the bathroom and do a poop and u clean ur butt wit a tissue and u find poop juice but u wipe it again and u keep findin poop on the tissue paper.
indian poop-the poop that is sooo skiny and is mixed with spices

this is the surrvey we took and here are the results:
-my friend-i would go with the italian sausage
-brad pit-i would go with the sausie poop because im always running around the studios and my poop gets watery as i run.
these are the resultes for kinds of poop.

by bigmamafan May 16, 2008

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poop sack

An ostomy bag.

A poop sack is a plastic pouch you have to wear on your belly following ostomy surgery.

by Kadenson August 31, 2008

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