When one person breaks away from the circle in a game of Hacky Sack in order to show off.
Man, Brent's such a sack hog he's had for 6 minutes straight
To mess with someone or annoy them; Similar to pulling one’s arm.
“Reilly I know you didn’t win the lottery, stop tugging my sack.”
When someone with a tiny penis "try's" to masturbate. Their peter is so tiny that they end up just slapping their sack
Jessica: I caught Perry beating off in the bathroom yesterday.
Amanda: Trust me, his dick is so small he was just slapping the sack.
A tight wrinkly possibly even hairy man pouch (aka nutsack)
That old ass man has a cugal sack this winter
my large caca sack hangs below my bum it sometimes drips or leaks
large caca sacks
The act of being kicked in the balls by a big ole hog boy for sexual pleasure.
Bruh, I left my wife this morning after Patrick gave me an amazing Tennessee Hacky Sack at Buffalo Wild Wings last night.
someone who sucks so much >:(
thinks theyre deep
ruins the mood
thinks theyre mature for their age
has a bad meme page
denys being a femboy
very ugly
dead mom
sam/ john/ jason : “ok alicia/estrella :|”
us : “ok sperm spit sack :|”