Someone who licks the bottom of a shoe
Tristan(random name) is stupid
Litral meaning: A person who is unintelligent unsmart or dumb or has a lack of knowledge
An insult to someone who isn't clever
just like you
You are so Stupid that MrBeast is Smarter than you!!
Stupid (also referred as "Retarded, Autistic, Dumb, or Mentally Challenged) is something proven that Hope White suffers from being.
"ZoO cReW iS fUlL oF dIcKs" this is an example of a bitch being stupid.
1. Slow of mind.
2. Unintelligent.
3. Homer Simpson.
If you look up stupid in the dictionary there would be a picture of me!
I, Brandon Michael Tabor is the most dumbest person in the world (I am talking about myself)